1. Daffodil(লম্বা, সরু পাপড়িযুক্ত হলুদ রঙের ফুল)
2. Dahlia(ডালিয়া ফুল)
3. Daisy(হলুদ কেন্দ্রের চারপাশে সাদা পাপড়িযুক্ত বনফুল)
4. Edelweiss(সাদা রঙ্গের ফুল)
5. Hibiscus(গোলাপ ফুল)
6. Jasmine(জুঁই)
7. Lily(পদ্মফুল)
8. Water lily(শাপলা)
9. Lotus(পদ্ম)
10. Marigold(গাঁদা ফুল) www.sonatanenglish.page4.me
11. Morning glory(ফুলের লতাবিশেষ)
12. Pansy(ভাঅলেটজাতীয় বিভিন্ন পুষ্প)
13. Petunia(অপরাজিতা গোত্রীয় বা কলেকর আকারের ফুলগাছ বা উহার ফুল)
14. Tulip(ঘণ্টাকর্ণ)
15. Rose(গোলাপ ফুল)
16. Sunflower(সূর্যমুখী ফুল)
WORDS RELATED TO ROOM AND PLACE www.sonatanenglish.page4.m
1. Shed ( চালা )
A separated building from the house usually for storing garden tools ( বাড়ি থেকে আলাদা ভবন সাধারণত বাগান সরঞ্জাম জমা করার জন্য ).
2. Loft ( চিলেকোঠা )
A room or space directly under the roof of a house or other building, used for accommodation or storage ( একটি রুম বা স্পেস সরাসরি একটি বাড়িতে বা অন্যান্য ভবনের ছাদের নিচে , বাসস্থান বা সঞ্চয়ের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয় ).
3. Attic ( চিলা )
A space or room inside or partly inside the roof of a building ( একটি স্থান বা ভিতরে বা আংশিকভাবে একটি ভবনের ছাদে ভিতরে রুম ).
4. Cellar ( ভুগর্ভস্থ ভাণ্ডার )
A room below ground level in a house, often used for storing wine or coal ( একটি বাড়িতে স্থল স্তরের নিচে একটি রুম, প্রায়ই ওয়াইন বা কয়লা জমা করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয় ) .
5. Basement ( অট্টালিকার সর্বনিম্ন তল )
Room below ground level, with windows, used for living and working ( নিচের রুম , জানালা দিয়ে , থাকার জন্য এবং কাজ করার জন্য ব্যবহার করা হয় ) .
6. Landing ( অবতরণস্থল )
Flat area at the top of a staircase ( সিঁড়ির উপরের সমতল এলাকা ).
7. Porch ( বারান্দা )
Covered area before the entrance door ( প্রবেশ দরজার সামনে আবৃত এলাকায় ) .
8. Pantry or larder ( ভাঁড়ারঘর )
A room or large cupboard for storing food ( একটি রুম বা খাদ্য জমা করার জন্য বড় আলমারি ).
9. Terrace or patio ( চত্বর )
Paved area between the house and garden for sitting and eating, etc ( বসা এবং খাওয়া , ইত্যাদি জন্য ঘর এবং বাগান মধ্যে বাঁধানো এলাকা ) .
10. Study ( পড়াশুনার ঘর )
A room for reading, writing, studying in ( পড়া , লেখা , অধ্যয়ন করার রুম ) .
11. Balcony ( ঝুল-বারান্দা )
An area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level ( দেওয়াল দেওয়া একটি জায়গা বা বার দিয়ে ঘেরা বিল্ডিং এর উপর তলার একটি জায়গা ) .
16 টি শহর,চলাচল এবং যানবাহন এর বর্ণনা করে এমন শব্দ : www.sonatanenglish.page4.m
1. City(শহর):
i. Active(সক্রিয়)
ii. Bustling(ব্যস্তবাগীশ)
iii. Noisy(সশব্দ)
iv. Busy(ব্যস্ত)
v. Clean(পরিষ্কার)
vi. Dirty(মলিন)
vii. Windy(বায়ুময়)
2. Traffic(চলাচল):
i. Loud(উচ্চরব)
ii. Congested(ঘনবসতিপূর্ণ)
iii. Snarled(খেঁক করা)
3. Buses, cars, taxis(বাস, গাড়ি , ট্যাক্সি):
i. Belching(উদ্গিরণ করা)
ii. Crawling(উরোগামী)
iii. Speeding(দ্রুত)
iv. Honking(ভেঁপু করা)
v. Waiting(প্রতীক্ষা)
vi. Screeching(কর্কশ তীক্ষ্ন ধ্বনি করা)
রাশিচক্র চারটি উপাদানের অন্তর্গত:
আগুন : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
পৃথিবী : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
বায়ু : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
পানি : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
১২টি রাশিচক্র রয়েছে এবং প্রত্যেকটি নির্দিষ্ট তারিখের অধীনে পড়ে. www.sonatanenglish.page4.m
1. ARIES the Ram
2. LEO the Lion
3. SAGITTARIUS the Archer
4. TAURUS the Bull
5. VIRGO the Virgin
6. CAPRICORN the Goat
7. GEMINI the Twins
8. LIBRA the Scales
9. AQUARIUS the Water Bearer.
10. CANCER the Crab
11. SCORPIO the Scorpion
12. PISCES the Fish
TYPE OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES www.sonatanenglish.page4.m
1. Tabloid: Gossip newspapers
(গসিপ পত্রিকা)
2. Periodical: A newspaper or magazine published at periodic intervals
(কিছুদিন পর পর যে পত্রিকা প্রকাশিত হয়)
3. Daily/ weekly/ monthly: papers printed once a day/ week/ month
(যে পত্রিকা দৈনিক/
4. Gutter Press: newspapers that contain only sensational news or gossip
(যে পত্রিকাতে শুধু গসিপ প্রকাশিত হয়)
5. Broadsheet: a newspaper printed on large sheets of paper. Broadsheets are generally believed to contain more serious news than tabloid newspapers, which are smaller, although many broadsheets are now printed in compact size.
(একটি পত্রিকা যাতে গুরুতর খবর প্রকাশিত হয়)
6. Digital: a digital version of a printed newspaper.
(ডিজিটাল পত্রিকা)
7. Regional Newspaper: a newspaper which contains news from particular area
(কোনো অঞ্চলের আঞ্চলিক পত্রিকা)
8. National Newspaper: a newspaper which contains news from the whole country
(জাতীয় পত্রিকা)
9. Bulletin: a magazine or newspaper that a club or organization produces regularly to give information to its members
(কোনো ক্লাবের দ্বারা প্রকাশিত পত্রিকা যাতে শুধু ক্লাবের এবং সদস্যদের খবর থাকে)
10. Gazette: an official newspaper that publishes lists of people in government, legal, military, or university jobs
(অফিসিয়াল পত্রিকা যা সরকারি তথ্য প্রকাশ করে)
11. Journal: a magazine containing articles relating to a particular subject or profession
(পত্রিকা যা শুধু একটি নির্দিষ্ট বিষয়ে খবর প্রকাশ করে)
Some examples of cereals include:
1. Rice - চাল
2. Barley - যব
3. Wheat - গম
4. Maize - মকাই
5. Corn - ভুট্টা
6. Millet - বাজরা
7. Barley - যব
8. Sorghum - জোয়ার
9. Oats - ওটস
10. Triticale - গম এবং রাইয়ের সংকর শস্য
11. Rye - শস্যবিশেষ
12. Buckwheat - এক প্রকার শস্য.
Some examples of pulses include: www.sonatanenglish.page4.m
1. Beans - মটরশুটি
2. Peas - মটর
3. Cowpea - বরবটি
4. Dry beans like pinto beans -পিন্টো বীন
5. Kidney beans - শিম
6. Navy beans - সাদা ছোট মটরশুটি
7. Dry peas - শুকনো মটর
8. Lentils - মসূর ডাল
9. Lupins - মটর উদ্ভিদ প্রজাতি
10. Peanuts - চিনাবাদাম
11. Mung bean - মুগ ডাল
12. Green gram - সবুজ ডাল
This is a list of names for the cries of Animals and Birds. www.sonatanenglish.page4.m
Animal | Cry |
Apes | gibber |
asses | bray |
bees | hum |
beetles | drone |
bears | growl |
bitterns | boom |
blackbirds | whistle |
blackcaps | we speak of the“chick-chick" of the blackcap |
bulls | bellow |
canaries | sing or quaver |
cats | mew, purr, swear, and caterwaul |
calves | bleat and blear |
chaffinches | chirp or pink |
chickens | pip |
cicadæ | sing |
cocks | crow |
cows | moo or low |
crows | caw |
cuckoos | cry, cuckoo |
deer | bell |
dogs | bark, bay, howl, and yelp |
doves | coo |
ducks | quack |
eagles | scream |
falcons | chant |
flies | buzz |
foxes | bark and yelp |
frogs | croak |
geese | cackle and hiss |
goldfinch | we speak of the “merry twinkle" of the female |
grasshoppers | chirp and pitter |
grouse | we speak of the “drumming" of the grouse |
guineafowls | cry “come back" |
guineapigs | squeak |
hares | squeak |
hawks | scream |
hens | cackle and cluck |
horses | neigh and whinny |
hyenas | laugh |
jays | chatter |
kittens | mew |
lambs | baa and bleat |
larks | sing |
linnets | chuckle in their call |
lions | roar |
magpies | chatter |
mice | squeak and squeal |
monkeys | chatter and gibber |
nightingales | pipe and warble—we also speak of its “jug-jug" |
owls | hoot and screech |
oxen | low and bellow |
parrots | talk |
peacocks | scream |
peewits | cry “pee-wit" |
pigeons | coo |
pigs | grunt, squeak, and squeal |
ravens | croak |
redstarts | whistle |
rooks | caw |
screech-owls | screech or shriek |
sheep | baa or bleat |
snakes | hiss |
sparrows | chirp or yelp |
stags | bellow and call |
swallows | |
swans | cry—we also speak of the “bombilation" of the swan |
thrushes | whistle |
tigers | growl |
tits | we speak of the “twittwit" of the bottle-tit |
turkey-cocks | gobble |
vultures | scream |
whitethroats | chirr |
wolves | howl |
This is a list of the male and female names of animals.
Animal | Female | Male |
Alligator | cow | bull |
Ant | queen, princess, worker | prince, drone |
Antelope | cow | bull |
Ass | jenny | jack, jackass |
Badger | sow | boar |
Bear | sow, she-bear | boar, he-bear |
Beaver | ||
Bee | queen, queen-bee, worker | drone |
Bird | hen | cock |
Bison | cow | bull |
Boar (wild) | sow | boar |
Bobcat | ||
Buffalo | cow | bull |
Camel | cow | bull |
Canary | hen | cock |
Caribou | cow, doe | bull, stag, hart |
Cat | tabby, queen | tom, tomcat, gib |
Cattle | cow | bull |
Chicken | hen, partlet, biddy | cock, rooster, stag |
Cicada | ||
Cod | ||
Cougar | lioness, she-lion, pantheress | tom, lion |
Coyote | bitch | dog |
Crocodile | bull | |
Deer | hind, doe | buck, stag |
Dog | bitch | dog |
Dolphin | cow | bull |
Dove | hen | cock |
Duck | duck | drake |
Eagle | ||
Echidna | ||
Eel | ||
Elephant | cow | bull |
Elk | cow | bull |
Ferret | hob | jill |
Fish | ||
Fly | ||
Fox | vixen, bitch, she-fox | fox, dog-fox, stag, reynard |
Frog | ||
Giraffe | cow | bull |
Goat | nanny, she-goat, nannie, nannie-goat | billy, buck, billie-goat, he-goat |
Goose | goose, dame | gander, stag |
Gorilla | blackback, silverback | |
Grouse | ||
Guinea pig | sow | boar |
Hare | jill | jack |
Hawk | hen | tiercel |
Hedgehog | sow | boar |
Hippopotamus | cow | bull |
Horse | mare, dam | stallion, stag, horse stud, stable horse, sire, rig |
Impala | ewe | ram |
Kangaroo | doe | buck |
Leopard | leopardess | leopard |
Lion | lioness, she-lion | lion, tom |
Lobster | hen | cock |
Louse | ||
Manatee | cow | bull |
Mink | sow | boar |
Monkey | ||
Moose | cow | bull |
Mosquito | ||
Mouse | doe | buck |
Mule | she-ass, more, hinny | stallion, jackass, jack |
Muskrat | ||
Opossum | jill | jack |
Ostrich | hen | cock |
Otter | bitch | dog |
Owl | jenny, howlet | |
Ox | cow, beef | ox, beef, steer, bullock |
Oyster | ||
Partridge | hen | cock |
Peacock | hen, pea-hen | cock, peacock |
Pelican | ||
Penguin | hen | cock |
Pheasant | hen | cock |
Pig | sow | boar |
Pigeon | hen | cock |
Platypus | ||
Possum | jill | jack |
Quail | hen | cock |
Rabbit | doe | buck |
Raccoon | sow | boar |
Rat | doe | buck |
Reindeer | doe | buck |
Rhinoceros | cow | bull |
Robin | hen | cock |
Salmon | hen | jack |
Sea Lion | cow | bull |
Seal | cow | bull |
Shark | bull | |
Sheep | ewe, dam | buck, ram, male-sheep, mutton |
Skunk | boar | |
Squirrel | doe | buck |
Swan | pen | cob |
Swine | sow | boar |
Termite | queen | king |
Tiger | tigeress | tiger |
Toad | ||
Trout | hen | jack |
Turkey | hen | gobbler, tom |
Walrus | cow | bull |
Weasel | bitch, doe, jill | dog, buck, jack, hob |
Whale | cow | bull |
Wolf | bitch | dog |
Woodchuck | she-chuck | he-chuck |
Zebra | mare | stallion |
Term | Refers to | Example |
agenda | tasks | An agenda of tasks |
ambush | tigers | An ambush of tigers |
anthology | prose | An anthology of prose |
archipelago | islands | An archipelago of islands |
armada | ships | An armada of ships |
ascension | larks | An ascension of larks |
atlas | maps | An atlas of maps |
bale | turtles | A bale of turtles |
band | jays | A band of jays |
band | men | A band of (merry) men |
bank | monitors | A bank of monitors |
bank | swans | A bank of swans |
banner | knights | A banner of knights |
barren | mules | A barren of mules |
battery | tests | A battery of tests |
bed | oysters | A bed of oysters |
bed | snakes | A bed of snakes |
bevy | ladies | A bevy of ladies |
bevy | quail | A bevy of quail |
bevy | swans | A bevy of swans |
bind | salmon | A bind of salmon |
blessing | unicorns | A blessing of unicorns |
book | wagers | A book of wagers |
bouquet | pheasants | A bouquet of pheasants |
brace | pistols | A brace of pistols |
brigade | soldiers | A brigade of soldiers |
building | rooks | A building of rooks |
bunch | things | A bunch of things |
bury | conies | A bury of conies |
bury | rabbits | A bury of rabbits |
cache | jewels | A cache of jewels |
chain | islands | A chain of islands |
chine | polecats | A chine of polecats |
clamour | rooks | A clamour of rooks |
class | students | A class of students |
cloud | sea fowl | A cloud of sea fowl |
cluster | spiders | A cluster of spiders |
clutter | spiders | A clutter of spiders |
coil | widgeon | A coil of widgeon |
collection | objects | A collection of objects |
collective | nouns | A collective of nouns |
colony | lepers | A colony of lepers |
colony | penguins | A colony of penguins |
colony | rabbits | A colony of rabbits |
colony | rats | A colony of rats |
company | moles | A company of moles |
company | parrots | A company of parrots |
company | soldiers | A company of soldiers |
congregation | plovers | A congregation of plovers |
congregation | worshipers | A congregation of worshipers |
conspiracy | ravens | A conspiracy of ravens |
converting | preachers | A converting of preachers |
convoy | lorries | A convoy of lorries |
convoy | trucks | A convoy of trucks |
coven | witches | A coven of witches |
covey | partridges | A covey of partridges |
covey | pheasants | A covey of pheasants |
covey | quail | A covey of quail |
crash | rhinoceroses | A crash of rhinoceroses |
creche | penguins | A creche of penguins |
crew | sailors | A crew of sailors |
crowd | onlookers | A crowd of onlookers |
deceit | lapwings | A deceit of lapwings |
den | snakes | A den of snakes |
den | thieves | A den of thieves |
descent | woodpeckers | A descent of woodpeckers |
desert | lapwings | A desert of lapwings |
disworship | Scots | A disworship of Scots |
diving | teal | A diving of teal |
division | soldiers | A division of soldiers |
doading | sheldrakes | A doading of sheldrakes |
dray | squirrels | A dray of squirrels |
drift | swine | A drift of swine |
drove | pigs | A drove of pigs |
dule | turtles | A dule of turtles |
exaltation | larks | An exaltation of larks |
fagot | sticks | A fagot of sticks |
fall | lambs | A fall of lambs |
farrow | piglets | A farrow of piglets |
fellowship | yeomen | A fellowship of yeomen |
fleet | ships | A fleet of ships |
flight | stairs | A flight of stairs |
flight | swallows | A flight of swallows |
fling | sandpipers | A fling of sandpipers |
flock | seagulls | A flock of seagulls |
flock | sheep | A flock of sheep |
flock | tourists | A flock of tourists |
flotilla | ships | A flotilla of ships |
fluther | jellyfish | A fluther of jellyfish |
galaxy | stars | A galaxy of stars |
gam | whales | A gam of whales |
gaze | raccoons | A gaze of raccoons |
grove | trees | A grove of trees |
heap | trash | A heap of trash |
herd | pigs | A herd of pigs |
herd | walruses | A herd of walruses |
herd | whales | A herd of whales |
herd | zebra | A herd of zebra |
hill | ruffs | A hill of ruffs |
host | sparrows | A host of sparrows |
house | senators | A house of senators |
hover | trout | A hover of trout |
huddle | penguins | A huddle of penguins |
knot | toads | A knot of toads |
labour | moles | A labour of moles |
leap | leopards | A leap of leopards |
litter | piglets | A litter of piglets |
loft | pigeons | A loft of pigeons |
mischief | mice | A mischief of mice |
mission | monkeys | A mission of monkeys |
mob | kangaroos | A mob of kangaroos |
movement | moles | A movement of moles |
murmuration | starlings | A murmuration of starlings |
muster | peacocks | A muster of peacocks |
muster | storks | A muster of storks |
mutation | thrushes | A mutation of thrushes |
nest | mice | A nest of mice |
nest | rabbits | A nest of rabbits |
nest | snakes | A nest of snakes |
nest | vipers | A nest of vipers |
neverthriving | jugglers | A neverthriving of jugglers |
number | mathematicians | A number of mathematicians |
nye | pheasants | A nye of pheasants |
ostentation | peacocks | An ostentation of peacocks |
pack | rats | A pack of rats |
pack | submarines | A pack of submarines |
pack | wolves | A pack of wolves |
page | wikipedians | A page of wikipedians |
parcel | hogs | A parcel of hogs |
parel | troops | A parel of troops |
parliament | owls | A parliament of owls |
party | jays | A party of jays |
passel | hogs | A passel of hogs |
pit | snakes | A pit of snakes |
pitying | turtledoves | A pitying of turtledoves |
plague | locusts | A plague of locusts |
platoon | soldiers | A platoon of soldiers |
plump | waterfowl | A plump of waterfowl |
pod | seals | A pod of seals |
pod | whales | A pod of whales |
pomp | pekinese | A pomp of pekinese |
ponder | philosophers | A ponder of philosophers |
pride | lions | A pride of lions |
pride | peacocks | A pride of peacocks |
prudence | vicaries (vicars) | A prudence of vicaries (vicars) |
purse | winnings | A purse of winnings |
quarrel | sparrows | A quarrel of sparrows |
quiver | rebuttals | A quiver of rebuttals |
rabble | rats | A rabble of rats |
raffle | turkeys | A raffle of turkeys |
rafter | turkeys | A rafter of turkeys |
Rake | mules | A Rake of mules |
range | mountains | A range of mountains |
richness | martens | A richness of martens |
ring | keys | A ring of keys |
rout | knights | A rout of knights |
rout | snails | A rout of snails |
rout | wolves | A rout of wolves |
run | salmon | A run of salmon |
sault | lions | A sault of lions |
school | whales | A school of whales |
scourge | mosquitoes | A scourge of mosquitoes |
set | mathematicians | A set of mathematicians |
set | tennis games | A set of tennis games |
set | young oysters | A set of young oysters |
slither | snakes | A slither of snakes |
smack | jellyfish | A smack of jellyfish |
sneak | weasels | A sneak of weasels |
sord | mallards | A sord of mallards |
sounder | pigs | A sounder of pigs |
sounder | swine | A sounder of swine |
sowse | lions | A sowse of lions |
span | oxen | A span of oxen |
spring | seals | A spring of seals |
spring | teal | A spring of teal |
squad | soldiers | A squad of soldiers |
stand | trees | A stand of trees |
stare | owls | A stare of owls |
streak | tigers | A streak of tigers |
superfluity | nuns | A superfluity of nuns |
swarm | rats | A swarm of rats |
team | oxen | A team of oxen |
thicket | trees | A thicket of trees |
tiding(s) | magpies | A tiding(s) of magpies |
tribe | monkeys | A tribe of monkeys |
tribe | natives | A tribe of natives |
trip | sheep | A trip of sheep |
troop | kangaroos | A troop of kangaroos |
troupe | performers | A troupe of performers |
turn | turtles | A turn of turtles |
ubiquity | sparrows | A ubiquity of sparrows |
ugly | walruses | An ugly of walruses |
unkindness | ravens | An unkindness of ravens |
wad | money | A wad of money |
walk | snipe | A walk of snipe |
watch | nightingales | A watch of nightingales |
wealth | information | A wealth of information |
wedge | swans (flying) | A wedge of swans (flying) |
wisp | snipe | A wisp of snipe |
Theatre & PlayTheatre mean a building, room, or outside area used for performing plays. A play is a dramatic work that's written to be staged in a theater and in front of an audience.
Street & RoadStreet is a road in a town or city with houses or other buildings along it. Road is a way that leads from one place to another.
Story & HistoryStory normally means a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events. History is the record or narrative description of past events.
Storey & FloorStorey or story means a structure consisting of a floor or multiple floors at a single position along a vertical scale. Floor means the inside lower horizontal surface of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure.
Shade & ShadowShade means relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body. Shadow means a dark shape created by an object blocking a source of light.
Scene & SceneryScene means a part of a play, book, film etc in which a particular event takes place. Scenery means the appearance of a place.
Play & GamePlay vs Game: Play means the activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules; a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage.
High &TallHigh refers being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension. It is used for mountains and for things...
Gracious & GracefulGracious means being kind, thoughtful and aware of others. উদার বা অনুগ্রহশীল বোঝাতে Gracious ব্যবহৃত হয়ে থাকে।
Frightened & AfraidFrightened is mainly used to talk about a sudden fear. The uses are – only ‘frightened’ or frightened + noun / frightened of / frightened to / frightened by.
Alumna & Alumnae, Alumnus & AlumniAlumna (প্রাক্তন ছাত্রী) & Alumnae (প্রাক্তন ছাত্রীবৃন্দ), Alumnus (প্রাক্তন ছাত্র) & Alumni (প্রাক্তন ছাত্র বা শিক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ)
Allusion, Delusion & IllusionAllusion (পরোক্ষ উল্লেখ বা ইঙ্গিত), Delusion (ভ্রম) & Illusion (বিভ্রম/মায়াজাল) - Allusion মানে পরোক্ষ উল্লেখ, যা সাহিত্যে ব্যবহৃত হয়ে থাকে।
Air & Airs, Air & WindAir (বায়ু) & Airs (উদ্ধত বা অহংকারী ভাব), Air (বায়ু) & Wind (পবন, বায়ুপ্রবাহ) - বায়ু বোঝাতে Air সবসময় Singular হয়।
Scam means to get something, such as money by deceiving someone; Swindle ; Fraud. Almost every internet user any way have experience web scam.
(প্রতারণামূলক কাজ বা আচরণ; প্রতারণা বা ঠকানোর জন্য ব্যবহৃত কৌশল বা ফন্দি ; প্রতারণার মাধ্যমে কোনকিছু অর্জন করা ( যেমন- টাকা)
Hack or Hacking
Hacking means unauthorized access or use of a secured computer or its data and network resources.
( বিনা অনুমতিতে বা অবৈধভাবে কোন সুরক্ষিত কম্পিউটার বা কম্পিউটারে রাখা তথ্য এবং নেটওয়ার্কে প্রবেশ করা বা ব্যবহার করা).
A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data is called a Hacker.
An image of oneself taken by oneself using a digital camera or smart phone especially for posting on social networks.
(সামাজিক যোগাযোগ বা ফটো শেয়ারিং ওয়েবসাইটে দেওয়ার উদ্দেশ্যে ডিজিটাল ক্যামেরা বা স্মার্টফোন দিয়ে নিজের তোলা নিজ ছবি বা স্হির চিত্র)
The rate of data transfer, bit rate, measured in bits per second (bps). If we use a modem with 512Mbps that means we get 64MBps speed (1Byte=8 bit).
(ডাটা স্থানান্তরের হার, প্রতি সেকেন্ডে যে পরিমাণ ডাটা স্থানান্তর হয় (কম্পউটার প্রযুক্তি)).
Save the address of a website, file etc. to a web browser to enable quick access in future.
(ভবিষ্যতে কোন ওয়েব সাইটে দ্রুত প্রবেশের জন্য উক্ত লিঙ্ক বা ঠিকানাটি ব্রাউজারে সেইভ করে রাখা).
Software that is used to browse or view the web pages of a website. This software program helps the user to use the World Wide Web Such as Firefox, Chrome, IE etc.
(সফ্টওয়্যার যার মাধ্যমে ওয়েব পেইজ দেখা বা ব্রাউজ করা হয়)
FAQ is the abbreviated form of Frequently Asked Questions. It is a list of questions and answers those are very common and asked over and over about a particular subject.
(FAQ হলো ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ এর সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ। কোন বিষয় সম্পর্কে যে প্রশ্ন গুলো বারবার জিজ্ঞাসিত বা জানতে চাওয়া হয় সে প্রশ্নগুলো ও তার উত্তর গুলোর একটি তালিকা হলো FAQ. অধিকাংশ website এ FAQ নামে একটি page থাকে. )
SPAM is anonymous, unsolicited, unanticipated, irrelevant messaging sent in bulk, especially for advertising, scamming purpose. These messages are worthless to the recipients. SPAM can be e-mail spam, instant messaging spam, wiki spam, forum spam.
(স্প্যাম হলো অযাচিত, অপ্রত্যাশিত, অপ্রাসঙ্গিক বার্তা যা বিজ্ঞাপণ বা প্রতারণার উদ্দেশ্যে বিশাল আকারে বহু লোক বা জায়গায় পাঠানো হয়। এগুলো আমাদের কাছে e-mail spam, mobile spam, wiki spam, forum spam হিসেবে পরিচিত)
Trend is the general direction or tendency of developing and changing followed by a road, river, coastline, or the like. This term is used in the web to mean when the highest searches for the topics by the internet users though the world.
(Trend হলো কোনকিছু পরিবর্তন বা উন্নয়নের সাধারণ গতিধারা বা প্রবণতা। ওয়েবে সাধারণত এ টার্মটি ব্যবহৃত হয় যে টপিকস গুলো এই মুহূর্তে সবচেয়ে বেশি অনুসন্ধান বা খোঁজা হচ্ছে সে বিষয়টাকে বোঝাতে।)
• Aid - Aide
• Affect - Effect
• Aisle - I’ll - Isle
• Aloud - Allowed
• Altar - Alter
• Ark - Arc
• Ball - Bawl
• Base - Bass
• Beech - Beach
• Birth - Berth
• Bore - Boar
• Byte - Bite
• Blew - Blue
• Bow - Bough
• Boy - Buoy
• Bread - Bred
• Browse - Brows
• Cell - Sell
• Cereal - Serial
• Chilly - Chili - Chile
• Chord - Cord
• Complement - Compliment
• Counsel - Council
• Creak - Creek
• Crews - Cruise
• Dual - Duel
• Fair - Fare
• Fairy - Ferry
• Feat - Feet
• Fir - Fur
• Flea - Flee
• Gorilla - Guerrilla
• Grease - Greece
• Groan - Grown
• Hall - Haul
• Halve - Have
• Holey - Holy - Wholly
• Incite - Insight
• Jeans - Genes
• Knead - Need
• Knight - Night
• Lessen - Lesson
• Links - Lynx
• Loan - Lone
• Oral - Aural
• Ought - Aught
• Oar - Or - Ore
• Overdo - Overdue
• Peak - Peek
• Phase - Faze
• Pole - Poll
• Pray - Prey
• Principal - Principle
• Raze - Raise
• Real - ReeL
• Ring - Wring
• Role - Roll
• Sew - So - Sow
• Site - Sight - Cite
• Soar - Sore
• Sole - Soul
• Toe - Tow
• Vary - Very
• Wail - Whale
• Wait - Weight
• We - Wee
• Weather - Whether
• Which - Witch
• Whose - Who’s
• Annihilation, destruction, carnage, extinction
• Benefit, profit, revenue, yield
• Cunning, keen, sharp, slick
• Destitute, poor, bankrupt, impoverished
• Deterioration, pollution, defilement, adulteration
• Enormous, huge, gigantic, massive
• Fertile, fruitful, abundant, productive
• House, dwelling, abode, domicile
• Intelligent, clever, brilliant, knowledgeable
• Loyal, faithful, ardent, devoted
• Organization, institution, management
• Partner, associate, colleague, companion
• Polite, courteous, cordial, gracious
• Risky, dangerous, perilous, treacherous
• Sleepy, drowsy, listless, sluggish
• Vacant, empty, deserted, uninhabited
• Beautiful: Attractive, Pretty, Lovely, Stunning
• Fair: Just, Objective, Impartial, Unbiased
• Funny: Humorous, Comical, Hilarious, Hysterical
• Happy: Content, Joyful, Mirthful, Upbeat
• Hardworking: Diligent, Determined, Industrious, Enterprising
• Honest: Honorable, Fair, Sincere, Trustworthy
• Intelligent: Smart, Bright, Brilliant, Sharp
• Introverted: Shy, Bashful, Quiet, Withdrawn
• Kind:Thoughtful
• Lazy: Idle, Lackadaisical, Lethargic, Indolent
• Mean: Unfriendly, Unpleasant, Bad-tempered, Difficult
• Outgoing: Friendly, Sociable, Warm, Extroverted
• Rich: Affluent, Wealthy, Well-off, Well-to-do
• Strong: Stable, Secure, Solid, Tough
• Unhappy: Sad, Depressed, Melancholy, Miserable
• Lucky: Auspicious, Fortunate
• Positive: Optimistic, Cheerful, Starry-eyed, Sanguine
• Bossy: Controlling, Tyrannical
• Baffle: confuse, deceive
• Hypocrisy: duplicity, falseness
• Pacify: appease, placate
• Recalcitrant: obstinate, stubborn
• Turbulent: disordered, violent
• Valid: authorized, legitimate
• Old: antiquated, ancient, obsolete, extinct, past, prehistoric, venerable, aged
• True: genuine, reliable, factual, accurate, precise, correct, valid, real
• Important: required, substantial, vital, essential, primary, significant, requisite, critical
• Weak: frail, anemic, feeble, infirm, languid, sluggish, puny, fragile